Outstanding results for Semester 2
Aquinas’s strong academic programme has continued to bear rich fruit this semester with another set of heartening results.
Academic Dean, Dr Sarah Moller, was delighted with the achievement of the College’s students, with one third of Aquinas students achieving a Distinction average or higher and nearly three quarters achieving a Credit average or higher.
‘Once again, they have excelled,’ said Dr Moller. ‘Across the three universities, students have attained grades that are well above the levels of the general student population,’ she added that ‘Special congratulations to students at Flinders and Adelaide universities, who completed their semesters with 97% of students passing every subject undertaken. This consistency of achievement is commendable.’
Whilst results overall were exceptional,special mention must be made of valetant and 2019 Aquinas Dux Larry Klingner, who completed his Agricultural Science degree with an outstanding record of straight High Distinctions over the course of his studies.
Dr Moller expressed her gratitude particularly to the College’s academic team for all the work they did in supporting students during the semester, and providing scaffolding for them to succeed.
‘Our Senior Tutors, and indeed the whole group of more than 40 Tutors employed by the College, were both generous with their time and helpful with their guidance. The tutorial system and our structured study are two of the great benefits of the collegiate experience.’
Dr Moller said that the College was especially pleased to see how well the graduating students fared in the final year of their undergraduate study.
‘They have all done well, and they all have positions and directions for next year,’ she added. ‘In fact many of them have begun their employment already.’
Dr Moller pointed to the benefits of the College’s Senior Mentoring Programme, which was introduced in 2019, and will be expanded in next year.