Aquinas College Residency Agreement 2025

Having accepted the offer of a place at Aquinas College for the 2025 residential year (commencing Saturday 22 February 2025 for new students and Sunday 23 February 2025 for returning students), I will comply with the following terms and conditions as stated below.

I agree:

  1. to abide by the rules of College as outlined on the College’s website
  2. to participate actively in College life (including regular attendance at Formal Dinners when on campus; the Collegiate Dinners held during the year; completing my Outreach hours and contribute to building a positive College culture
  3. to pay all fees as set by the Council as outlined in the 2025 Fee Schedule and published on the College website and all sundry invoices & charges incurred. Should my account be placed with a debt recovery agency, personal information will be disclosed to the agency, and I will be responsible to pay all expenses relating to the recovery of the account.

I understand:

  1. that my continuing residency is contingent on my maintaining good academic standing (i.e., passing all courses for progression in my degree)
  2. that the Rector has the right to serve notice to terminate my residency if I am found to have seriously breached College rules as detailed in the Student Handbook
  3. that admission to the College is for one year at a time and that I will have to re-apply for a continuing place each year
  4. that Aquinas has a 40-week residential year and I am responsible for the fees for the whole of this period, even if I leave College before the end of the year
  5. that there are rules about the refund of the Deposit and that these are outlined on the College website

I consent:

  1. to the College obtaining from my University my results each semester or study period
  2. to the College using my photograph in its publications and website, and understand that I may ask to be exempt from this clause
  3. to the College providing information about my financial obligations under this agreement to my guarantor if I have one


"*" indicates required fields

I declare I have read, fully understand and agree to the terms and conditions outlined above.
DD slash MM slash YYYY
Details of person accepting financial responsibilities as guarantor of student (if applicable) *
DD slash MM slash YYYY
*The guarantor is the person or persons who accept financial liability for payment of a student’s fees, if the student is not self-funding their fees.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.