The Aquinas athletes displayed the ability and competitiveness underlying the entire year of the College’s campaign in the High Table Cup (HTC), with a huge win against the other Adelaide residential colleges in Athletics on Sunday 16 October.
The Athletics captains, Alyssa Jones and Nebraska Wilkie stated how proud they were just not of all athletes who gave their all to dominate on both the track and field, but also the huge number of supporters who attended to barrack for Aquinas. “It is what Aquinas is all about” said the co-coaches,” We may be the smallest College but as per usual we had the greatest number of supporters in attendance.” An added bonus was Alyssa breaking the previous 100 Metre record, all the more remarkable given the sand/grass track.
Despite Aquinas winning 9 of the 16 Cups on offer for HTC we still sadly finished second overall for the year due to the unusual points system used to measure the HTC.