
HTC Soccer Report

The boys’ soccer team saw quite a number of new additions to the team with these players bringing much skill and enthusiasm. The coaches Jake Spain and Will Circelli, provided great experience and a wealth of knowledge and skill supported by very able and talented senior players, Jacob Smith, Patty Miller and Niall Ashby.  The likes of Daniel Mezzino, Michael Zaccardo and Matt Morony, played exceptionally well and slotted so well into the team it was hard to believe they were Freshers.

Although the boys only lost one game, this result placed them second but throughout all the matches, the boys played with commitment and an intensive level of play that had to be admired.

The girls soccer team showed great potential with coaches Zac Borlace and Eliza Fromm keen to get the most out of the experienced and new players alike.  Even though a game of soccer can change with just a couple of lucky or unlucky shots, as a team the girls kept working hard right until the end of each match.  Seniors such as Billie Lands, Alex Boileau and Stella Cox kept Freshers, Emma Carbonne, Elle Curnow and Sophie Bammann on their toes, challenging the cohort to give their very best.

Unfortunately the girls endeavour throughout two weekends of tough soccer was not reflected in the results and the team ended up coming 5th.



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