A warm start to 2019
The mid-30s temperatures of this year’s ‘WELCOME WEEKEND’ were matched by equal warmth in the spirit that was re-kindled in the College over two full and engaging days.
Saturday 23rd February saw the arrival of the new Freshers. The Student Club Executive and the House Coordinators, who had spent the previous two weeks getting ready the year, and engaging in their own training and planning, had everything organised to welcome them. Welcome bags, academic packs, O-Week shirts and other Aquinas ‘merch’, and academic gowns were all ready to distribute. The student leaders were assisted by a large number of other Seniors and Juniors who had returned early, and all the staff of the College who made themselves available through the weekend.
The Freshers and their families were very appreciative of the hospitable welcome they received.
“Everyone is so friendly and welcoming,” was a comment heard over and over again.
Sunday morning saw the return of the remaining students before students, staff and families moved to Christ Church for the Welcome Service during which the new Aquinians were formally welcomed, with each of their names put in the Aquinas Heart, and the student leaders commissioned by the Rector.
A sumptuous family luncheon followed, provided by the College’s catering staff before parents and families left around mid afternoon.
After a College Assembly and various meetings, and dinner, the weekend ended with a social evening organised by the Student Club.