Appreciation celebrated at MG Dinner
This year’s ‘MAGNAE GRATES’ DINNER on Monday 26 October was a celebratory mix of fun and formality as the members of the Aquinas community gathered to say a literal ‘BIG THANKS’ to one another for this extraordinary year.
Incoming Student President, Ruby Yates, who helped to organise the evening, said that making it a themed event added an extra dimension to the occasion.
‘Everyone came dressed as “My Favourite Aquinian” and there were certainly many creative efforts’, said Ruby.
The prize for best dressed went to Liam Beckman who arrived dressed as a particular lost parrot which had figured in the story of the year.
Of course, there were more serious awards given out, including to the Outreach Person of the Year (Bilal Rahman) and the Sportsman and Sportswoman of the Year (Jack Dickeson and Maddie Turner respectively). Presentations were made to student leaders – to the House Coordinators, Student Club Executive, Academic Team, Outreach Coordinator and Social Media and Marketing Assistant – and appreciation expressed to all those who had served the community in service scholarship roles.
As always, the dinner was also an opportunity to farewell those leaving the College, especially Seniors who would not be Valetants.
For those who could afford the time, celebrations continued – in full costume – at The Archer until late in the evening.