Aquinas shines academically in 2020 despite COVID-19
Despite the chaos of Covid-19, in 2020 Aquinas College produced the strongest set of academic results in the college’s history. The recently released Semester Two results demonstrated consistently high levels of achievement from students across all three universities, and follow on from the outstanding grades which Aquinians attained in Semester One.
‘When the Semester One results came out earlier this year, we were blown away by the high level of achievement across the board’, said Academic Director, Dr Sarah Moller. ‘The Semester Two results only serve to underline the outstanding focus and effort with which our students have approached their studies this year. To say we are proud of them is a huge understatement.’
Across the three universities, nearly half of Aquinas students achieved a Distinction average or higher and over three quarters achieved a Credit average or higher. ‘These statistics are not reached by simply counting up the number of Distinctions gained, but rather reflect the aggregated scores of each student’ emphasised Dr Moller. ‘Distinction average means that many students achieved straight Distinctions, and nearly 10% of students actually gained close to straight High Distinctions.’
These impressive grades were achieved against a backdrop of global uncertainty, where students were required to respond with agility to the challenges of online learning. Here at Aquinas, the academic program named Uni on the Hill was established as a way of supporting students and helping them to stay focused despite the distractions. The opening of the new Lucey Centre gave students a dedicated learning space and encouraged them to develop healthy study habits.
‘Our students deserve their outstanding results’, said Dr Moller. ‘They have worked consistently all year to earn impressive GPAs.’ Special mention must be made of students at Flinders University, where 100% of students attained a Credit average or higher, and Adelaide University, where 86% of students achieved these grades.’
‘In a year like 2020, when over 40% of students Australia-wide identified feeling isolated in their studies, the advantages of living within a learning community were enormous. Our students worked together and really benefited from having face-to-face contact with other students on a daily basis.’
‘Special mention must be made of our outstanding Senior Tutors, who helped keep study fun this year, and our wonderful team of over 40 student tutors who guided their peers through challenging times.’
The results attained in 2020 were the strongest on record at Aquinas, and reflect positively on the College’s cultivation of a supportive academic environment. While we gladly leave 2020 behind, we look forward to continuing on together as a college that values academic excellence, connection, care and community.
For a detailed results analysis please click here.