
Student Club Executive elected

The 2020 Student President, Ruby Yates, says she is absolutely delighted with the team that has been elected to join her on next year’s Student Club Executive.
Everyone gathered on the evening of Tuesday 13th October for the speeches and elections. A large number of people had nominated for the eleven positions.
‘The speeches were of very high quality’ said Ruby, ‘which wasn’t surprising given the quality of those who had put their names forward.’
Voting was done electronically, so that results could be easily tallied on the night. Ruby then visited each of the nominees to let them know personally before posting the outcome.
‘Everyone attracted strong support from their fellow students,’ said Ruby. ‘Really, any of them would have been more than able to do the job well. I commend everyone for putting their name forward.’
Next year’s Executive is:
President Ruby Yates (Port Augusta)
Vice-President: Joe French (Penola)
Secretary: Airlie Walters (College Park)
Treasurer: Bilal Raman (Rose Park)
Social Secretaries: Mira Liebenberg (Port Lincoln) and Adam Cobbledick (Kapunda)
Sports Secretaries: Jack Dickeson (Port Pirie) and Lily Bright (Renmark)
Equity Officer: Sophie Wallis (Millicent)
Merchandise Officer: Jodie Price (Paskeville)
Sponsorship Officer: James Hams (Clare)
IT Officer: Noah Waters (Port Pirie)

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