Winter Sleepout and World’s Greatest Shave
The Winter Sleepout, an annual event held at Aquinas, brings everyone together to support the Catherine House Foundation. The Catherine House Foundation supports women experiencing homelessness in Australia. It is a night where we all put our electronics and distractions away and sleep outside on cardboard boxes to expose ourselves to how fortunate we are for having a roof over our heads and a warm cooked meal every night. It is easy to get caught up in our own lives and forget how other people around us are struggling as well. This night is a good opportunity to open our mindsets to what is really important in life. This year we had a great turn out and raised a considerable amount for Catherine House. Along with this we doubled up Outreach events and had the Worlds Greatest Shave on the same night. The World’s Greatest Shave is another organisation very close to our Aquinas heart. The World’s Greatest Shave has been created by the Leukemia Foundation to help raise awareness and funds for blood cancer research and support. This year we raised over $1500. We had students shave their heads, cut bobs, wax their legs and even bleach their hair!!
Ane Nel and Claire Byrne, the Outreach Coordinators, were very thankful and appreciative for the support and involvement the Aquinas community showed with this event as well as the many other charity events throughout the year.